Adolescence Counselling Online

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Mervyn Reid

Mervyn Reid
MNCPS (Acc.) MBACP (Accred)

Child, Young Person, Adult, Couples, Families Counsellor

Hello, and well done on making it this far. I am a light-hearted Counsellor & Supervisor who is easy to talk with. I have 20+ years of experience working with couples, young people, children, individuals, and families. I will support you via face-to-face, telephone or online sessions using an integrative approach that helps us apply the best support at the best time. As a client-directed Counsellor, I take my lead from you, tailoring our sessions to suit your needs. I can travel, with additional

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#Abuse #Emotional #Physical #SexualAddiction #eg #Alcohol #Computer #games #Drugs #Food #Gambling #Sex #Smoking #Adolescence #Adoption #Ageing #and #related #issues #AIDS #HIV #Anxiety #Assertiveness #Selfconfidence #Selfesteem #Autistic #Spectrum #Disorders #Bereavement #Loss #Bullying #Cancer #Carers #Children #teenagers #Chronic #fatigue #syndrome #ME #Cultural #Depression #Disability #Divorce #Separation #Eating #Exams #Family #Financial #difficulties #Gender #identity #Generally #unhappy #with #your #life #Illness #dying #Job #interviews #Neurodiversity #Obsessive #compulsive #disorder #OCD #Panic #attacks #Parenting #skills #PostTraumatic #Stress #PTSD #Relationships #Relaxation #Self #defeating #behaviours #Selfharm #Sexuality #Shyness #Social #Phobia #Sleep #Suicidal #feelings #Trauma #Violence #Victim #supportYoung #people

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